Luke, Rey hit up Shanghai Disneyland for China premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The film hits Chinese theaters on January 5th
2 min readDec 21, 2017


Yesterday, some lucky souls got to watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi in China. The rest of will still have to wait a few weeks (or just go home for the holidays).

The latest release in the Star Wars franchise had its now obligatory China premiere at Shanghai Disneyland. Our fair city was graced by likes of Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, BB-8, R2-D2, and a contingent of Stormtroopers.

Check out some pics from the red carpet:

Unlike most Hollywood action-adventure blockbusters, the most recent Star Wars movies haven’t been all that popular in China. Last year, Rogue One opened to just $31 million in China, an unimpressive total compared to movies like Captain America: Civil War ($93 million), Spider-Man ($70 million), War For The Planet Of The Apes ($62 million).

And while Star Wars: The Force Awakens may have gone on to gross more than $2 billion worldwide, becoming the the third-highest grossing movie ever made, only $124 million of that came from China.

That was even after they had Stormtroopers take over the Great Wall

And removed the black jedi from the promo poster.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters in China on January 5th.

