Man beats up kid on street, makes him slap himself in the face for throwing rock at his car

Bit of an overreaction?
1 min readDec 21, 2017


A video has gone viral on Chinese social media showing a man going absolutely ballistic after a kid hit his car with a rock thrown from a slingshot.

In the surveillance footage from a street in Qujiang, Guangdong province, the man is seen suddenly rushing up to the primary school student, smacking him on the head, throwing him to the ground, and then kicking him for good measure.

Another clip shows the man forcing the kid to kneel down on the street beside the car and ordering him to slap himself in the face.

According to one eyewitness, onlookers were horrified by what they saw, and shouted for the man to stop torturing the poor kid.

Watch on QQ video

However, Chinese netizens on Weibo appear less appalled, practically applauding the man for the brutal way in which he handled the matter.

“If parents won’t discipline their brats, then someone else will,” reads one comment with more than 30,000 likes, while another net user summed up the situation as: “Bratty kid meets grown-up brat.”

[Images via Pear Video]

