Man brutally kills dog on sidewalk in ‘blood sacrifice’ for new car

As a safety precaution, he sprinkled the dog’s blood on the SUV
2 min readDec 27, 2017


After buying a new car, one man decided yesterday that he needed to make a blood sacrifice.

In horrifying footage shared online by Pear Video, a black dog is seen crammed inside a narrow cage on a sidewalk in the Hunan capital of Changsha, awaiting its fate. Directly in front of a new Volkswagen SUV, the poor pup is held up by its neck by one man while another beats it across the head with metal pipe as the animal cries out in pain.

Afterward, the two men are seen dragging the dog’s lifeless body around the car, hitting the shiny new vehicle with the carcass and sprinkling blood around. One of the men even reminds the other to make sure that some of the dog’s blood is spilled on the SUV’s tires.

Reportedly, this brutal “blood sacrifice” was made in order to “ward off evil spirits” and “ensure safety” in the years of driving to come.

You can watch the footage below. Obviously, viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Watch on QQ video

After watching the sickening video, Chinese netizens are hoping that the man will soon get what he deserves and die in a fiery car crash. A Hebei man raised a similar sort of uproar online earlier this month when footage of him beating a greyhound to death after it lost a race also went viral.

[Images via Pear Video]

