Married couple stunned to discover they were in the same photograph taken 18 years ago

After being married for 5 years, one Chengdu couple discovered that their paths had crossed much earlier than they had thought
2 min readMar 8, 2018


After being married for 5 years, one Chengdu couple were struck speechless when going through some old photos and finding themselves, as children and strangers, in the same frame.

Back in 2000, when they were both only teenagers, a boy surnamed Ye and a girl surnamed Xue took separate trips to the seaside city of Qingdao — Ye arriving with a tour group and Xue with her mom.

While touring around the city, they both stopped by the May Fourth Square, posing for a souvenir photo at the exact same moment. In Xue’s photograph, a young Ye can even be seen striking a pose for his photo in the background.

11 years after these photos were taken, the two met in Chengdu, fell in love, got married, and had a kid. It was only when sorting through old photos over the weekend that they discovered that their paths had crossed much earlier than they had originally thought.

[Images via 1视频]

