Rat jumps into hot pot, restaurant owner refuses to give customers a refund

The owner said that since the customers were all young people, he thought they wouldn’t be too bothered by something like this

2 min readApr 17, 2018


While you might think that a rat jumping into your hot pot would entitle you to a refund, or at least a discount, you would apparently be wrong about that.

Recently, four diners at a Shenzhen hot pot restaurant received quite the shock when they spotted a rodent scurrying down from the ceiling and along the wall to their table.

Startled, the diners leaped up from their table and looked on in horror as the rat darted amongst their food, even briefly taking a dip in their hot pot soup, before scampering away.

Shocking as that experience may have been for the customers, they were presumably even more taken aback after the restaurant owner told them that he would exchange the soup, but he would not give them any kind of discount or refund, explaining that the rat had caused him to suffer losses. While the diners tried to argue, they ended up grudgingly paying the full 292 yuan bill.

According to The Paper, the owner said that because the four customers were all young people, he thought they wouldn’t be bothered too much by this kind of thing. He ended up changing his tune, however, after a visit from the authorities, deciding to give the group a refund after all.

Watch on QQ video.

Of course, if hot pot restaurants had to give refunds to every customer who had a rat fall on their table, they would all go out of business in no time. Last September, a man was eating at a hot pot joint in Chongqing when a rat climbed up his pants and tried to take refuge.

[Images via The Paper]

