Rumors of China Eastern flight attendant orgy set interwebs aflame

The airline has purportedly denied these rumors, alleging that some malicious individuals are trying to damage its reputation
3 min readMar 15, 2018


Yet another rumored sex scandal recently exploded on the Chinese internet before being swiftly scrubbed away by hard-working censors.

Yesterday, a series of raunchy video clips were uploaded to Weibo and quickly began making the rounds on Chinese social media. The clips show at least six fully-naked individuals (4 women and 2 men) having what seems like a grand old time in what appears to be a private KTV room — bumping, grinding, dancing, and laughing.

After the clips were posted, rumors soon began running wild that all of the participants in the videos were flight attendants working for either China Eastern Airlines or its subsidiary Shanghai Airlines, and that their orgy had taken place in Madrid.

According to a document purporting to be the airline’s official statement that has been making the rounds, China Eastern has completely denied that the video clips have anything to with its company, accusing those who have spread the rumors of being out to deliberately hurt the airline’s image.

However, that has done little to quiet down rampant speculation as web users attempt to identify the individuals taking part in the boink fest. Careful viewers of the clips have even suggested that there are, in fact, at least nine participants (5 women and 4 men) inside the room.

But others have taken China Eastern’s side, claiming that the video was actually recorded at a high-end spa in Thailand, not Madrid, and involves no airline personnel, only prostitutes.

Meanwhile, on WeChat, one of the jokes going around at the moment is that you can expect extremely long lines the next time that China Eastern puts out a call for prospective flight attendants, with some saying they are ready to switch careers right now and take to the sky.

The video and posts on the subject have now been scrubbed from most Chinese sites and social media networks with “China Eastern” (东航) becoming the second-most censored term on Weibo, behind only eye-rolling reporter Liang Xiangyi. Further down FreeWeibo’s leaderboard, you’ll also find “China Eastern 6p” (东航6p).

The alleged orgy video clips have now become quite difficult to track down and a number of obviously fake videos have also surfaced. On Twitter, we have found a few clips which appear to be from the original post. You can watch them below for research purposes:

Of course, at this point in time, it is important not to take online rumors as the gospel truth.

For instance, earlier this week, a scandalous story broke which was said to involve a China Southern Power Grid executive who had sex with a female subordinate in a company boardroom, completely unaware that video equipment from an earlier conference call was still rolling and live-casting their hanky panky session to other offices around the company.

Juicy as those rumors may have been, they now appear to have been “fake news,” with police arresting two workers for spreading “false rumors.” The workers reportedly admitted to police that they had posted a sex tape of unknown origin onto social media in order to spice up office gossip that they had heard.

