Sad! China ranks ahead of US in new global leadership poll

Under President Trump, global approval of US leadership has plummeted to historic low
2 min readJan 19, 2018


Almost a year into the Trump presidency, more people around the world are now ready to trust in China’s leadership than that of the US.

According to a newly released Gallop poll of residents of 134 countries and regions around the world, the global approval of US leadership is currently at just 30%. That’s slightly behind China’s 31% approval rating.

While China’s rating has remained steady since last year, the US approval rating has fallen nearly 20 percentage points from the final year of Barack Obama’s presidency and is now even 4 percentage points lower than in the last year that George W. Bush was president.

Indeed, since Donald Trump’s win in 2016, many an article has been published about how America’s loss in electing a bumbling, narcissistic reality TV star could likely be China’s gain.

Over the past year, China has somehow managed to cast itself as the world’s leading light in global free trade, capitalism, and environmental protection. After Trump pulled the US out of the Paris accord last summer, Chinese state media stepped in to lecture the American president about the importance of protecting the environment and the dangers of global climate change.

Meanwhile, Trump has not exactly endeared himself to residents of African countries, which he reportedly called “shitholes” during a meeting in the White House earlier this month. China, on the other hand, has continued its policy of trying to pull African governments into its sphere of influence through massive investments in infrastructure.

The US only managed to beat China by a hair in Africa with an approval rating of 51%, compared to China’s 50%. However, America’s disapproval rating of 20% was higher than China’s of 15%. Africa was also the continent that the US fared best on, with especially steep approval declines in places like Europe, Latin America, and Canada under Trump.

Of course, while its competition may be weakening, China still has a long way to go before it becomes the world’s favorite global power. According to the Gallop survey, Germany currently holds that distinction with a 41% approval rating.

