Taiwan arcade fills claw machines with bikini babes to attract more customers

No, you couldn’t grab them

2 min readDec 25, 2017


Claw machines are always rigged, but they presumably become even harder to play when there’s also a bikini-clad woman jiggling around inside.

Though that doesn’t seem to have bothered the many men who turned up to a promotional event for a ground-breaking arcade in Tainan called Meng Meng Da (萌萌噠), which made room in four of its claw machines for girls dressed only in skimpy swimwear.

Sitting in a pool of stuffed animals, the four “bikini goddesses” would wiggle their bodies to entice customers to come and try their luck, before offering them words of consolement when they inevitably failed to win anything.

You can experience the whole thing on a 3-hour livestream below:

The event took place earlier this month, but was only recently noted by Japan’s SoraNews24, which reports that there were some who took offense to the arcade’s shameless use of skin and blatant objectifying of women.

The following day, Meng Meng Da issued an apology for the hooplah it had caused. From now on, it will keep the scantily-clad women outside of the plexiglass.

In the end, this does appear to have been a slightly more effective promotional tactic than filling the machines with live crabs.

