Taxi driver cruises down highway with wife sitting in open trunk, holding onto table

Netizens have joked that the driver was just looking for a convenient way of ditching his spouse
2 min readMar 15, 2018


In order to secure safe passage for a table meant for their daughter’s new place, a frugal taxi driver asked his wife to climb into the trunk and hold on tight.

On Tuesday, the taxi turned heads while cruising down a highway in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, with the woman keeping a tight grip on the table from her seat in the open trunk.

After receiving reports, police stopped the taxi and took the couple back to the station where an officer was shocked to hear the woman was actually the driver’s wife:

Officer: “That is your wife?”

Driver: “Yes, that’s my wife.”

Officer: “That’s really your wife?”

Driver: “Yes, really…”

Officer: “Did she also want to sit in the trunk?”

Driver: “Yes… we wanted to save money, so we didn’t want to rent a vehicle.”

The driver went on to explain that since the table was too big to fit in the car, and since they didn’t have any rope on hand at the time, there was really only one thing that could be done…

Watch on QQ video.

In the end, police fined the driver 150 yuan ($24) and deducted two points from his licenses (that oughta show him!). Netizens have joked that the man was really looking for a convenient way of ditching his spouse.

Hey, at least he didn’t ask for his mom’s help.

[Images via Knews / Shine]

