Trump asks China to cut $1 billion off its $375 billion trade surplus with the US

That’s less than a 0.27% reduction
2 min readMar 8, 2018


Yesterday, Donald Trump showed off once again his peerless dealmaking abilities, tweeting about how China had apparently been asked to develop “a plan for the year of a One Billion Dollar reduction in their massive Trade Deficit with the United States.”

“Our relationship with China has been a very good one,” Trump continued. “We look forward to seeing what ideas they come back with. We must act soon!”

While $1 billion may seem like a lot of money — particularly when the first letter of each word is capitalized — it’s worth pointing out that the US trade deficit with China actually rose by $28 billion in Trump’s first year of office to $375.2 billion (not counting services) — that’s more than One Billion Dollars a day.

Trump is at least somewhat familiar with this statistic. At a joint press conference yesterday with the Swedish Prime Minister, Trump showed off his usual care for facts and figures by twice stating that the US has a $500 billion per year trade deficit with China. Last month, he put the deficit at a more precise — but still false — $504 billion.

While the majority of economists believe that running a deficit, even one as large as the US has with China, isn’t really a problem, Trump appears to see international trade as a game that is won or lost depending on who has the surplus and who is running a deficit.

And so, to start winning once again, Trump, the Dealmaker in Chief, is pressing China to reduce that deficit by a whopping 0.27%.

