WATCH: Apple marks Chinese New Year with stunning, moving iPhone X ad

If your family reunion only lasts three minutes, what will you do?
1 min readFeb 14, 2018


Just ahead of the Chinese New Year, Apple has released a touching short film that tells the story of a mother who works as train conductor on one of the country’s longest routes during Spring Festival and only gets to see her son for three brief minutes on the railway station platform.

The film was shot by acclaimed filmmaker Peter Chan and was based on real events, striking a chord with millions of Chinese people who are going home to see their own families this week.

Watch on QQ video.

Crucially, the film was shot by Chan entirely on the iPhone X.

With its smartphone sales slipping in the Chinese market, Apple has a lot riding on its latest device and presumably hopes that this tear-jerker will help it conquer its lower-cost domestic rivals by inspiring viewers to cheer themselves up by buying a new iPhone X.

