WATCH: Good Samaritans rush out onto intersection to stop circling tricycle of death

They arrived just in the nick of time
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


An unusual accident occurred recently at an intersection in the Anhui city of Bozhou, with an out-of-control tricycle dangerously circling around its prey — its injured former driver lying sprawled out on the road.

Surveillance footage shows how the three-wheeled vehicle collided with a car at the crossroads, launching the tricycle driver onto the street. Fortunately, before the driver suffered further injury, a policeman on patrol rushed out into the street to stop the runaway contraption— which he was unable to do.

The policeman was soon joined by another driver, but, even with their powers combined, they were still not able to bring the terrible tricycle to stop.

But, just when all hope seemed lost, that’s when the cavalry arrived with a group of pedestrians rushing out into the intersection and finally helping to end the machine’s rampage.

Watch on QQ video.

The driver is reported to be in stable condition, though he has also copped to being responsible for the accident, admitting that he had ran the red light.

When on or near the road, it’s best to stay clear of these three-wheeled death machines, which often seem to have a (circular) mind of their own.

