Woman finds fame and fortune after winning China’s ‘most beautiful butt’ contest

Thanks to her greatest ‘asset,’ she has bought an expensive car, a flat with a view of the sea, and even her own workout studio

2 min readApr 6, 2018


Over the past year, one woman has found her life completely changed thanks to her award-winning derrière.

Last summer, Gao Qian (高倩) triumphed over around 50 other shapely ladies to win a “most beautiful butt” competition held at a shopping mall in Shenyang, winning 5,000 yuan and some serious bragging rights in the process.

Since then, she has gone on to gain more than 2 million fans on social as a popular livestream host and fitness coach. With the money she has banked thanks to her new fame, Gao has bought the car of her dreams, a flat with a view of the sea, and even her very own workout studio, NetEase reports.

The young woman has said that she spends about six hours a day in the gym, doing squats and lunges to perfect her posterior. She has claimed that whenever she goes she has to wear baggy clothing to avoid causing a scene with crowds surrounding her and pointing at her backside.

She remembers that once a guy even pointed out her amazing behind to his girlfriend, a situation which Gao found quite awkward.

[Images via NetEase]

