Building and Sustaining relationship

Vasumitra Shankar Bhardwaj
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2018

This write-up is my reflection and key takeaways from the session and training offered at Anubhav: Education Program by Harris School of Public Policy-UChicago, This one is from my session 7 at UChicago Campus on subject building and sustaining relationships. the session is hosted by Ms. Cheistha-Advisor at UChicago and facilitated by Mr. Luis Miranda-Stalwart, academicians, the founding member of HDFC and IDFC Bank Corporation and Chair at Centre for Civil Society India. I am confident if you read throughout of this note, this may help you to explore the insights and build greater, meaningful and sustaining relationships or you can share your concern, comments or critics for extending an opportunity to improve on it as in person.

“Group Snap of Cohort at Session 7: Building & Sustaining Relationship”

The Topic moved me with insights and shaped on building meaningful relationships; which I was lacking some or other way.

I was exploring the part of learning through the management scholar’s perspective and more of a practical guy, but it was as same as real-life situation; Happiness, Joy, Bliss-these topic was there already, but I never gave a pause and thought to it. I wondered upon the existence of these words in life and realized later that how this class after a decade has been engaging me to be transformed.

One of The Question has been posted during the session:
Why are you here and not somewhere else ??

To appraise this very question; Luis shared the practicality and shared the thought: “The narration on seeing the tragic and untragic things in life, is the part of the mindset, how we perceive things; this will shape the life.”
“Focus on the important things in life.”

The thought of knowing self and explore the potential of oneself to excel lies to the things exploring and sticking the things which are actually important.
“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can not change it, change your attitude.”

To my reflection; I found it how long as I am content ever It is all about how things shape us or how we can shape the things & shape things, one’s personality, persona & life. A mentor is someone you can go to for advice, to let off steam and, often, to be told hard truths. The mentor has a great role to play, one must earn it in life. this is one of the greatest advantages to seek honest and open feedback, which can help to be the better person we always aspire.

There are some the following major points, which has the great impact on life; if we measure them in life and apply:

The Positivity plays a vital role too, difficult situation and scenario. it is worth giving shot instead just thinking, maybe there would be no response at that moment, but later one can see the possibility to improve and try again.
Another point in life which help to shape the better person and relationship is hardship and hardworking attitude, led by strong thoughts and actions.
We should always heed the openness, must welcome the ideas, thoughts of other’s perspective to reflect and explore the perfect part, with the right end to conscience.

To sustain the relationship
Be the bridge and be open, receptive

Note the dots
Humors the dots
Work the dots
Work the dots beyond work
Make the dots long-dated
Reply to the dots

It is must too to focus on consequences in advance of the action or the course of action while exploring the dots.

There are habits in life which has roles to play in life for sustaining relationships. Based on the people life experiences there are some of the following takeaways:

1.Maximise ‘Chance’ opportunities
2.Listen to the gut instincts
3.Expect to be lucky
4.Find the good in anything

Because may be working on basis of taking away from these life experiencing can get one there, where it is needed.

Managing time is an art for the sustaining relations, must learn and practice it, these following ideas help to understand it

Times does not fly, life passes. So we must excel to the allocation of the time for things, people, work and create balance.

Reflection and Unthinking helps a lot ! to build-on great relationship and sustaining them at par excellence; One must reflect after a day, Must Introspect! and ask the question within, Have I Learnt anything today?
Learning on experience is make us explored avenue, which helps us grow as a person, explore insights and diverse perspective of life, build the strong foundation and sustain relationships.



Vasumitra Shankar Bhardwaj

Grassroots Worker| CoFounder & CEO at SpandanWeavers Craft|Social Entrepreneur| Global Shaper | Working on Mission for Greater Good. “श्रेयो भूयात् सकल जनानां”