
Shannon Lin
Shannon Lin Collaborative Visualizing 2021
4 min readMar 15, 2021


Layout of my room

My room is basically a square with some strange added parts near the end; don’t know how to explain it because it’s not proportional in the slightest!

I divided the room by both fourths and thirds. Fourths because it fits the general layout of the room, and thirds because the furniture aligns with it better. The room is approximately 8.5 ft long and 10 feet wide (if you count the jank perimeter? 8.5 ft if not), and 10 feet tall. I then drew the orthographic views from each side of the room


  • The mirror isn’t perfectly centered on the wall of my room for some reason
  • The walls are TALL. It makes my desk look super short, and my desk is relatively tall compared to normal ones
  • The diagonal sloping of my walls are annoying, since they’re not equidistant of anything at all


As we slowly delve into one-point perspective, I gradually take into account the height and space we take up in relation to other objects and platforms.

First pass perspective sketches

One thing that was interesting to me was the correlation to horizon lines, as all the heads would line up to it. I always thought that the heads were supposed to break up the horizon line, not adhere to it. In class, I asked this question and it’s possible for both one point and two point perspectives.

First point perspective practice

For my room, I started off with a front perspective. I created a 12 inch x 8.5 inch grid, similar to that of my room back home in California, then layered another sheet of tabloid paper over and traced with the lightbox

I think one of the hardest things I struggled with was building the structure of the grid. I didn’t have a right triangle with me, and so my ruler would be slightly off sometimes. As a result, I ended up measuring the heigh of every intersection point to ensure accuracy.

Refinement process


Lots of grid practice!

I noticed that I had to shrink my room, so I used the trick that we learned in class:

New Grids

After creating the grids, I did some rough sketches on top with pencil

Pencil sketches for iterations

I then used a lightbox and traced it over with pen, taking line weight and clean strokes into account.

Finally, I added more line width and added tone ands shadows as well

