Become a Successful Full Stack Developer from Scratch.

A Guide, Roadmap, Learning Path for Full Stack Development as a Computer Science Student or not.

Vikalp Kaushik


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In this article, I created a step by step guide that a person can follow to become a successful Full Stack Developer. A roadmap that will guide you software development path from scratch.

Table of Contents:

  1. Roadmap & Learning Path
  2. Major Responsibilities
  3. Computer Science Fundamentals
  4. Front End Development
  5. Back End Development
  6. Database
  7. DevOps
  8. Trends

1. Roadmap & Learning Path:

Full Stack Developer Roadmap & Learning Path

2. Major Responsibilities:

  • Handle Front-End Layout and Design.
  • Backend server-side scripting.
  • Database setup, manage and design.
  • DevOps: Server setup and deployment.

3. Computer Science Fundamentals



Vikalp Kaushik

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