
An experiment in job curation

Scott Shields
3 min readJun 29, 2017


At Shape, we love experimenting. Whether it’s with a new technology, new features and functionality on an established product, or playing with the seed of an idea by creating “proof of concept”s or MVPs.

As a result, we will always have something exciting to write about! This isn’t always an amazing product or service, sometimes it’ll be something we tried but that didn’t pan out how we expected it to. There’s no such thing as a failed experiment if we learned something, and through writing about these experiments, we hope to share some of that learning with you.

This is the story of You can take a look at our other experiments here.

We have been working solidly on a couple of client projects for a few months, and found ourselves with an opportunity to spend a couple of days on some experiments.

With a slice of good luck and timing, we observed a problem that came to light after speaking to a friend who was looking for a new product manager role. They were primarily using the big job aggregators like Indeed and Reed, searching using the keywords “product” and “manager”. Unfortunately, that resulted in hundreds of jobs that contained both of those words, but were not all the ‘right’ type of product manager roles they were looking for.

This is in part because there are many distinct types of product manager roles, ranging from product / project managers who manage large scale corporate initiatives, right the way to travel product managers, whose role it is to find hotel partners and negotiate rates and contracts. In this instance we wanted to focus on curating what are sometimes (but crucially, not often enough to make them easy to find) referred to as “digital product manager” jobs.

Digital product managers own and manage the design and build of digital products or services, often from conception through product / market fit to production and then iteration.

Finding these roles amongst all the other product manger roles is frankly a pain. Our objective was to curate the best of these jobs, and create a simple but beautiful showcase for them in order to simplify the process of finding a job in this particular niche.

Introducing — a no bullshit list of the best PM jobs in the UK

Job-seekers can filter by location and company size. We feel that being able to filter by a potential employer’s size is particularly relevant for product managers, as many will have a strong preference between working with an early stage start-up, or with a larger enterprise. Jobs are simply displayed on the page in the order we find them, giving a “news-feed” feel. You could come back every day and find new opportunities!

In terms of design, there’s a growing trend in the web at the moment towards the use of “cards” in interfaces, but we opted for a minimal text only interface — allowing the job seeker to concentrate fully on the jobs with little visual distraction.

Having shared with some friends during the design and building phase, several came back to us asking if we could create versions for the roles, professions, and niches they work in, recognising similar difficulties to those that we’ve identified in searching for digital product manager roles. So, we are opening up the idea, and looking for partners to start more curated job sites in their specific fields. If you have a niche that you are passionate about, we would love to hear from you!

If you want to know more about partnering with us, email

Or if you are interested in promoting your PM job, email

