Plastic Free July 2019

Sanjana K
Shapers On Climate
Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2019

(Putting my Planet First)

Sanjana K

Planet or Plastic? I just chose the Planet. Will you?

This Plastic Free July, I took up the challenge to refuse single-use plastic in all conscious forms and share the best practices,resources, ideas and lifestyle changes I have adopted over the years by putting Planet First!

If you are wondering what Plastic Free July is, read on.

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution of plastic pollution- so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.

At the outset, these are some of the primary reasons for choosing to avoid single-use plastics:

  • Made from fossil- fuels 💨
  • Huge carbon footprint 🦶
  • Lasts forever ☠️
  • Only a tiny percentage is recycled ❌♻️❌
  • Pollutes our oceans 🌊
  • Causes hormone disruption and cancers 🦠🧬
  • Leaches toxins into food and drink 🧫
  • Kills marine animals and birds 🐳🕊
  • Enters our food chain 🍱

Here are 31 tips I gave out on my Instagram account during Plastic Free July to help my followers and community to live a life with less plastic one day at a time:

What goes up, must come down!

Tip 3- Avoid releasing balloons 🎈Sea turtles 🐢 often confuse brightly coloured balloons to be Jellyfish or sponges and ingest them. It can take just a single fragment of a balloon to end the life of a sea turtle!

Watch RubberJellyFish

Tip 4- Carry your own reusable travel coffee/tea mug. ☕️🥤

Watch the Life Cycle Of a Plastic Bottle to understand what happens to every plastic bottle we use.

Check out your plastic diet here!


- Sanjana Kallesha

Refuse straws with take away and dine-in drinks. Better yet, carry your own reusable straw or just go straw-less !

For more tips and information on sustainable living, follow me on Instagram here.

We don’t need a handful of people doing zero-waste perfectly, we need MILLIONS of people doing it IMPERFECTLY!

#plasticfree #planetfirst #sustainableliving #sustainability #environment #plasticpollution #saynotoplastic #singleuseplastic #plastic #plasticfreejuly #GlobalShapersCommunityBangalore #planetearth #refuse #reuse #recycle #repurpose



Sanjana K
Shapers On Climate

Lawyer | Climate Hope-timist | Global Shaper | 🧘‍♀ | Chief Earth Woman 🌱