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Can Blockchain Technology Save the World?

5 climate groups using blockchain tech to create a more sustainable & regenerative future.

Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2019


No matter where you live on the planet, there’s no question that the world’s climate is changing at a rapid pace.

In October 2018, the U.N. released a Climate Report, which states that the world has only about 12 years to roll back carbon emissions by approximately 45% in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

New companies are springing up daily stating that they will use the transparency of blockchain to solve all sorts of problems — even climate change.

🌏 In honor of Earth Day, we wanted to highlight four blockchain technology climate groups building a more sustainable and regenerative future. 🌏

1. Blockchain for Climate Foundation

The Blockchain for Climate Foundation has the sole mission of putting the Paris Agreement on the blockchain.

In short, the Paris Agreement — created in 2015 — is an agreement between 196 countries across the globe that are collaborating to tackle climate change (blockchain technology is increasingly recognized as one of the most enabling technologies to facilitate the implementation of the Paris Agreement).

The Paris Agreement also requests each country to outline and communicate their post-2020 climate actions, known as their NDCs.

Using a public, open-source blockchain protocol, The Blockchain for Climate Foundation plans to create a system exactly like this.

It will use the design parameters of an important part of the Paris Agreement — Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) to design a global, transparent system.

🌏 Resources

2. Nori

Located in Seattle, Nori is a blockchain-based marketplace that makes it easier for people to pay for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

In other words, Nori wants to use blockchain to verify the accounting and to go one step further — to create a market for people taking carbon out of the environment.

Nori’s whitepaper (below) describes its plans to create a blockchain-based market for carbon removal certificates and a cryptocurrency tied to carbon removal.

🌍 Resources

Coming this year, Nori’s transparent and secure platform allows both businesses and individuals to take direct action in removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace Video
Nori White paper (2019)

3. Blockchain Climate Institute

The Blockchain Climate Institute provides a super-connector platform for policy-makers, corporate executives and blockchain innovators to experiment and adopt the most viable concepts in an enabling environment.

The mission of the Blockchain Climate Institute is to raise awareness among the international climate change policy community, of the tremendous potential of Blockchain technology to considerably enhance climate actions.


4. Regen Network

Regan Network is on a mission to reinvent the economics of agriculture.

Put simply, Regen Network is building a blockchain for ecological contracts to track, verify, and reward ecological performance using the Cosmos framework.

🌎 Resources

Regan Network Video
Regan Network Whitepaper

Regen Network is building a blockchain for ecological contracts to track, verify, and reward ecological performance using the Cosmos framework.

5. Climate Chain Coalition

The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) is an open, global initiative to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain (distributed ledger technology) and related digital solutions (e.g. IoT, big data) to help mobilize climate finance and enhance MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) to scale climate actions for mitigation and adaptation.

🌎 Resources

Report: Navigating Blockchain and Climate Action

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