Getting to Know Erik Voorhees

Our CEO’s views on Libra, Liberty & the new ShapeShift Platform.

4 min readOct 17, 2019

Many of you are familiar with crypto OG Erik Voorhees. He’s a pioneer in the bitcoin and crypto space, and widely known for founding ShapeShift. You may have seen ShapeShift’s CEO in the documentary Banking on Bitcoin, learned of him when reading Digital Gold, or seen one of his interviews.

We’ve gathered some of Erik’s most popular and most important content to help you better understand his views about the future of digital finance.

Sit back, take a listen, and let us know what you think on ShapeShift’s Twitter.

Peter Schiff Debate on the Future of Money

Peter Schiff is the CEO and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, a veteran investor, and an adamant critic of Bitcoin. The debate centered around the statement: “Bitcoin, or a similar form of cryptocurrency, will eventually replace governments’ fiat money as the preferred medium of exchange.” Watch Peter and Erik go head-to-head, and hear their views on the future of money.

Naomi Brockwell Interview on Libra

Listen to this interview by film and TV producer Naomi Brockwell to hear Erik’s take on Libra, Facebook’s cryptocurrency. Erik and Naomi dig into global government reactions to Libra, and the potential for an alternative financial system.

Crypto Beadles Interview

Robert Beadles interview with Erik covers a wide range of topics including Bitcoin predictions, why Erik is still in crypto, and his life experiences in Panama, Dubai, and Colorado. With a host of interesting questions, Robert’s interview will keep you engaged and leave you wanting more of his content.

Peter McCormack Interview: Understanding Libertarianism

Interested in learning more about Erik’s views on government? Peter and Erik discuss Libertarianism, why Bitcoin appeals to Libertarians, and how Bitcoin could play a vital role in changing the structure of governments around the world.

Anthony Pompliano Interview: From Bitcoin 2012 to Bitcoin 2022

In this interview, Pomp and Erik discuss the early days of Bitcoin, company building, and how ShapeShift as a service has evolved. They also dig into what Erik is most excited about in the crypto space, his life before crypto, and how he first discovered Bitcoin.

Liberty Entrepreneurs Interview: Inside the Mind of a Serial Bitcoin Entrepreneur

This 2017 interview is one of Erik’s personal favorites. Erik and podcast host Ashe Oro discuss how they met in Panama City, offshore banks vs Bitcoin, and the paradigm shift in how we hold, protect, and transact money.

Epicenter Interview

This interview focuses on ShapeShift’s new product release — the ShapeShift Platform. The discussion covers the platform’s new features, including portfolio management, and the overall new infrastructure of ShapeShift’s service.

What’s your favorite interview with our CEO? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Stay up to date with our team and the latest ShapeShift news by following us on Twitter.

At ShapeShift, we’re providing next-level tools for crypto management and we want to make it easy for you to try out our new hardware secured platform. We are offering ShapeShift members a KeepKey, the premier hardware wallet of the ShapeShift Platform for only $10.

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