Open-sourcing Share&Charge

Micha Roon


As promised in yesterday’s post about the architecture we have the pleasure to open-source all our work so far. It is subject to the permissive MIT license so feel free to fork.

The entry point should be the documentation repository which contains instructions on how to use the tools and which tools to use.

The smart-contracts can be found in the sharecharge-contracts repo. The develop branch contains the current implementation whereas the platform-v1 branch contains token and settlement contracts which will be used for the next generation of the network.

All the other open-sourced repositories can be found in the Share&Charge bitbucket account. Feel free to browse and report any issues directly in the bitbucket issue management system. You can also use the tag shareandcharge in or join the discussion on gitter

In the coming months the repositories will be updated as we transition to our 3rd generation implementation.



Micha Roon

Chief Innovation Officer at Energy Web researching solutions to build the decentralised infrastructure to decarbonise the grid