A Mobility Forum for Business: Introducing Transportation as a Benefit * SHARE Microtransit

Ryan McManus
SHARE Mobility
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2019

On March 14, SHARE and Columbus transportation leaders attended the Columbus Chamber of Commerce “Logistics of People — A Mobility Forum for Businesses” event. The event provided an opportunity for employers looking to solve transportation problems to connect with companies who are changing the norms of mobility through ridesharing services or autonomous vehicles.

Beginning with an overview of transportation innovations in the state by moderator Rich Granger from DriveOhio, the forum focused on the future of transportation for all workplaces, specifically looked at the impact transportation innovations will have on logistical companies — Columbus being home to the North American International Freight Center, more than 4,400 logistic companies , and approximately 83,000 logistical employees. The conversation also encouraged employers to provide a Transit Pass Benefit to their employees.

SHARE Honda Odyssey used for Employer Commuting Programs

On the topic of Transit Pass Benefits, SHARE CEO, Ryan McManus, stated he is working to make transportation benefits as ubiquitous as healthcare benefits.

“Employers are looking to justify why they should start offering transportation when they never have in the past. Some view it as a want and some view mobility as a need,” McManus said. “Employers need to consider how they can stack the benefits, reduce parking, increase employee happiness, attract and retain talent, reduce traffic, reduce environmental impact, and make their workplace stand out.”

McManus explained the three drivers of the future of mobility: policy, technology, and behavior change. Luckily, Ohio has some of the most progressive legislation for autonomous vehicles. Thanks to the Smart Columbus initiative, our community is ready for change and welcomes innovations like the shift to electric vehicles, ridesharing services, and autonomous vehicles.

“Behavior change is the last step and employers will play an important role in introducing new mobility options,” he said. The first step to introducing and maintaining a successful employee transportation program is to look at the data.

SHARE works with its enterprise partners to first understand their transportation needs. Based on those needs, we can build a unique solution based on our four mobility models: scheduled microtransit, first/last mile connection, fixed route, and shuttles.

Learn more about SHARE’s partnerships with employers in Columbus .

A special thank you to Adrian Burns at the Columbus Chamber for coordinating the event! The Columbus Chamber of Commerce has been a wonderful way for us to connect with our community and collaborate with partners.

Originally published at https://ridewithshare.com on March 16, 2019.



Ryan McManus
SHARE Mobility

Founder & CEO at SHARE Mobility @ridewithshare Helping HR fill jobs and retain employees with transportation benefits.