The “Always Passengers”

Ryan McManus
SHARE Mobility
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2021

The automotive industry has embraced the futuristic concept of self-driving cars. It drew me into the industry 5 years ago. The first generation of technology is on the road now, with Tesla and other level 2 & 3 AV systems. I spent $800 on a system 2 years ago and made a Honda Odyssey drive itself in less than 30 minutes (Then removed it immediately). Tabling the debate on consumer readiness of the technology, autonomous vehicles are coming, and many good things can happen when AVs reach the plateau of productivity. We believe that the equitable access problem must be fixed before we reach a future where cars drive themselves.

The pursuit of a world where everyone is a passenger continues to drive what we are building at SHARE Mobility. What drives us today is to serve those who are already always passengers. When we say, “always passengers”, we are talking about the person you think of when you hear “equitable access”. Anyone that relies on transportation services, public transit, or rides from others on a daily basis is always a passenger. Even if you drive occasionally, you can opt-in to being an “always passenger” by choosing to use shared mobility options.

These are some of the groups I think of when I say Always Passengers”:

· Students

· Seniors

· Individuals with Disabilities

· Workforce, especially those earning less than $20/hour

· Environmentally conscience

· Recently released prisoners

· Immigrants and Refugees

Tomorrow, if all of our cars were replaced with autonomous vehicles, we would essentially live the same as everyone above. By building for those who are always passengers today, SHARE Mobility has been able to build a financially and environmentally sustainable model for MaaS that works in urban and rural areas. We did not need to wait for AVs to create the operating system for a world where everyone is a passenger.

What we need now is partnership:

· Companies can partner with us to offer commuter benefits and support their workforce by giving employees a MaaS membership

· Community services organizations can partner with us to provide transportation to those you are serving with a MaaS membership

· Cities can partner with us to offer on-demand mobility services, directing transportation funding to individuals and destinations through a MaaS membership

Email me to partner and solve transportation problems.

Equitable access is mentioned in almost every episode of my podcast. It’s called COMMUTE.

I started a Discord channel called “Microtransit” for anyone that is interested in mobility and finding ways to help others that need it.

About SHARE Mobility

SHARE Mobility is a mobility company, providing turnkey Mobility-as-a-Service to cities and companies. SHARE Mobility’s MaaS solution delivers the most efficient mobility service, filling a gap in the market between fixed route bus services and on-demand ride-hailing. We give cities and organizations the tools to provide memberships to mobility and manage all aspects of MaaS operations. Our technology is tuned to deliver the safest, most efficient, and lowest cost transportation option. We work with organizations that have vehicles and others that need a full service MaaS solution. By partnering with cities and organizations to create membership programs to MaaS, we create equitable access to jobs, education, and healthcare.

Learn more at

Business Categories for SHARE Mobility: Paratransit, Transitech, Microtransit, Shuttles, Circulators, Connectors, Mobility-as-a-Service, Mobility, TDM, On-Demand, Ride-hailing, Demand-response, Dial-a-Ride, ride-sharing, and fixed route transit.



Ryan McManus
SHARE Mobility

Founder & CEO at SHARE Mobility @ridewithshare Helping HR fill jobs and retain employees with transportation benefits.