Day 16: Gangsta Rap

Claire Marshall
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Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2016

Sometimes I love facebook. I saw this ‘advice’ this morning and it was just what I needed.

Hair duly put in bun, coffee made I managed to stumble my way through a 1 and a half hour skype call (with no voice), cleaning the house I had to leave, and getting myself across London (with a suitcase) in the pouring rain — BOOM!

So now it’s time to take this mother down (insert gangsta hands). So for the next two weeks I am going to be throwing everything I have at this.

I have a few plans in the works:

#1 English Care Packages

For all of you ex-pats, let me know what you are craving and I’ll package it all up and send it over. I’ll also be doing a selection box, one sweet one savory. Let me know if you are interested.

#2 How to make money without leaving the couch (provided you have your computer on your lap)

I might not be aceing it at making money in the sharing economy in London, but I have learnt a few tricks. So I am going to be setting up an online course on Udemy sharing with you my knowledge of the Sharing Economy. Stay tuned.

#3 I put one of my dresses up for rent

and I have a few more things in store this week.

But despite my new ‘gggrrr attitude’ I also realised that it was kind of crazy to try this in a new city with nothing but a bunch of clothes, an Aussie accent and a ridiculous optimism. In reality a lot, and I would argue some of the best, platforms in the sharing economy are about sharing idle assets — cars, tools, rooms, clothes etc. I kind of crippled myself a little by starting with none of those things.

I also didn’t make life easy but choosing a place where I had a much smaller community. I know I always bite off a bit more than I can chew. BUT what I do know is that the community I do have are amazing. Friends, colleagues, strangers donating their funds, buying my stuff and sending me messages of encouragement. I cannot tell you just how much it means to me right now — because I might get teary and that’s not very gangsta.

So to everyone who has supported me, and to everyone who will YOU ROCK (and please feel free to make me return the favour when you have your next kickstarter, fun run etc).

So tonight I am going to stumble into bed again, tired, still sounding like Mickey Mouse alternating with Cookie Monster, and think of all of you. How nice it feels to have people cheering you on from the corners of the globe.

I will finish this. I will own this — just for you.



Claire Marshall
Share Stories

A transmedia loving, tv directing, film-making, youth culture focused story-teller.