December Favorites

Mouad 𝘅 Share the Cool

Mouad Hadji
Share The Cool
5 min readDec 26, 2017


I love December. It just brings everybody together. It is also the time to reflect on what the year has offered us. 2017 is closing out strong so let’s not wait another minute and deep dive in my December favorites 🚀

🎵 War & Leisure, by Miguel

Cover of Miguel’s latest album, “War & Leisure”

He is back. After the very accomplished Wildheart, Miguel delivers another masterpiece with his new album, War & Leisure. Far from the anthems that brought him fame, Miguel is shaping his own genre and keeps exploring it. The first track of the album, seasoned by an old but gold Rick Ross, welcomes you perfectly in Miguel’s world. The LA-born artist then starts a perilous but extremely well-executed display bouncing from one music universe to another. It can be very destabilizing on a first listen but it lets you explore all the facets of the artist he became. There is food for everybody until the very end; could it be with the very latino “Caramelo Duro”, the raw and mesmerizing “Come Through and Chill” featuring J.Cole or the politically engaged “Now”. The funky-pop universe of Miguel is probably not for everybody. But it is definitely mine 😄.

🎙 Jay-Z and Dean Baquet, in Conversation

Like it or not, Jay-Z has become a very smart man. Reading between the lines of his powerful album 4:44, you will discover countless of ideas the American rapper is desiring to convey: togetherness, open-mindedness, ambition. If I am not sure the current hip-hop audience is ready for that conversation, Dean Baquet, NYT’s executive editor, definitely was. In this interview, he touches upon all the questions you would ask the rap mogul. It’s definitely one of the best, if not the best, interview with a hip hop artist I have listened to. Dean Baquet goes from talking about therapy sessions to infidelity or the power of money. The relevance of the questions allows Jay-Z to open himself and deliver powerful statements in each of his answers. And, yes, he is very sorry for cheating on Queen B.

This video is a condensed version of the full interview.

🇧🇷 Cafe Brasil: Brazilian Brunch, Santa Cruz

Cafe Brasil entrance

It is all about that Acai Bowl my friends 😋. I discovered this exotic place in Santa Cruz few years ago but I still cannot help it : I need to brunch there every time I am around. Getting out of my comfort zone with food is tough but you need to understand me here. Cafe Brasil’s Acai bowl is an institution in itself. It is so fulfilling I would actually advise you to take the “Junior” version so you can properly brunch... They also offer excellent Brazilian food including the Avocado a Cavalo. It is affordable, the staff is welcoming and you cannot miss it (it is right on Mission St). Who could ask for anything more ? Ninguém !

🍗 The Front Porch : Southern Home Cooking, San Francisco

We are all still finding those flight tickets to New Orleans a bit too expensive. Fortunately, I might have found a shortcut for us. I recently tried “The Front Porch”, a restaurant serving typical Southern food and it was delicious to say the least. From the wild arugula salad to the fried fish, this place is a round-trip ticket to Louisiana. I did not have the chance to try their signature wings but it is only a question of time.

I went there for dinner but the place is also renowned for brunch. Feel free to drop by Bernal Heights to enjoy this charming place.

👓 Not So Ugly Sweater

Boy or Girl, we all need that killer sweater to make all our friends jealous. I have recently developed a particular addiction for beautiful sweaters so I would like to share with you my next purchase : a KENZO piece. This French fashion powerhouse was founded by a Japanese designer, Kenzo Takada, and initially designed exclusively for women. It might be less “trendy” than the fashion brands you know but their style combines everything I like : the French sense of proportion along with the incredible and colorful Japanese creativity. Their frequent sales allow you to buy a piece for less than $200. It’s a bit expensive but we are talking about that “one” piece you want to keep for special occasions, right ? And, to be honest, my own favorite sweater comes from a cheap thrift-shop so no rush 😉

🤖 The AlphaGo Documentary

You have maybe heard about this incredible milestone achieved by the talented team of DeepMind. This team of scientists developed the first Artificial Intelligence program to beat a professional Go player of 9 dan rank, Lee Sedol. I am always skeptical about how the term “AI” is used and what it encompasses. This documentary plays an excellent role in explaining the merits and flaws of AI. Seeing a program be “creative” and bring down one of the brightest mind on Earth will definitely take your breath away. It does not answer all the questions you might have (see this technical medium post if interested) but, because accessible to a very broad audience, I highly recommend it.

“We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten”, Bill Gates

Big thanks to you if you are still reading this and big thanks to our Editor, Sabrine Rekik, for allowing me to share “my” cool. This is definitely a great idea, life is too short to keep the good stuff for ourselves! Peace ✌️

