From Cool to Self

Sabrine Rekik
Share The Cool
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2018

Hi Share the **** readers,

I am using stars **** because I’ve used the word “COOL” so many times the past 6 months that the Language-Police reached out to me and threatened to fine me if I exceed the limit of authorized “Cool”. Scary, hein!

So I brainstormed for synonyms. “Share the Fun”, “Share the Dope”, “Share the Kewl” (cheating?) but I didn’t like any of the alternatives… until I thought of:

“Share the Self”

I like the world “self” because it doesn’t add any layer of expectation. Who said we need to be cool (+1), dope, or fun? We are just ourselves, honored by the continous company of our minds and evolving bodies. We are our thoughts, our emotions, sensitivities and our fascinating curiosity. We are ourselves with our educations and rebellions. With our rituals and our paradox.

Don’t laugh, I won’t start a new blog “Share the Self” (never say never) because a name is just a name after all :D I won’t say my farewells to “Share the Cool” neither. I have a strong feeling that if I do, I would regret it.. So I am just going to take a little break. Just like in a love relationship, a little break doesn’t hurt sometimes. Maybe brighter days ahead? Cooler content? Future will tell :)

The chapter 1 of STC has been fun, really really fun. I don’t know about you dear readers, dear writers, but I had hella fun!

Not feeling like at home on any digital platforms, I wanted to create my own. A digital space that I can build, construct and destroy if I wanted to. A space with topics I care about. With people I like. A space that doesn’t have to perform and abide to the pressure of statistics. A messy space.

In the middle of the initial mess and “all-over-the-place-ness”, a format started taking shape: A guest (rock star in my eyes) shares their favorites of their month with me, you readers, and their own friends & family.

The writers were amazing and surprising.. Not just because they accepted to write for this weirdo publication that had no compass.. But mainly because they took the time to be creative while reflecting on what matters for them.

Ask yourself what you find cool for a minute. If you are not inspired, you might find the question too hard to answer. At the other side of the spectrum, you might have a ton of ideas flowing in your head. Now if I ask you to curate 5 items… Not that simple right? What do you select and how do you rank? Do you pick things that are commonly accepted as cool, or do you challenge the definition? Do you show vulnerability? Do you take the risk that readers find you lame more than cool?

I am telling you, it is not an easy exercise, but once you put aside that natural tendency to please other people, then you are free. You are free to have fun with your own cool. And I can say today that every single writer in Share The Cool overcame this challenge beautifully!

I am very thankful for every single person that accepted my invitation to write on the blog. I can call them friends, real friends, even if I know some of them for only a few months. Share the Cool gave me an opportunity to hang out with people in a new way and create memories I won’t forget. Whether it was around a sizzling curry at Cuisine of Nepal, a green tea at their house, a warm cup of coffee on my couch, an IPA at Monks Kettle, or a long bus ride.. we had soothing conversations with the writers. Inspiring ones. The sort of conversations that feed you with positivity. Conversations where you learn a ton, and end up with a full list of ressources to check out: movies, political movements, music, podcast, fashion, laws, etc etc.

Take my advice: don’t overthink it, grab your phone, and text your friends. Schedule one and ones, and show up with your cool, ready to discuss all the things you have stumbled on lately that made you vibrate. And show up to listen. To Share..

While writing this post, I have been listening to the new Artik Monkey’s album “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino”. It is increible.. ❤ Thank you Yaya for sending it to me.

Share the Cool, Share the Self, whatever resonates with you.. And be in the moment with your friends and family ❤

See you later in Chapter 2!


