🆒 of the Week: Minimalism

W 6/52

Sabrine Rekik
Share The Cool
3 min readFeb 10, 2018


We were having lunch when my friend Mat told me about the Netflix documentary “Minimalism”. I had an educated guess on what a minimalist lifestyle could consist in, but I went ahead and watched the documentary.

The MINIMALISM documentary describes the life principles that Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus & co adopted in their mid-20's. I can summarize it in few bullet points (trying to be minimalist too in my writing):

  • We try to make ourselves happy, one purchase at a time.. but it lasts few days/hours/minutes.. A dopamine shot, and then what?
  • Less is More: less stuff in your house means more space; less burdens in your mind means more space for fun/genuine thoughts; less spending in meaningless goods means more resources to get what really makes you happy..
  • Be content, enjoy fully your decisions…

The documentary is easy to watch and provides some interesting pointers to explore. I went to bed, light-headed, and ready for some cool dreams. Hopefully, not dreams of me owning a prada bag, but more significant stuff. But who knows, I ain’t perfect :D

I didn’t give it more thoughts, until yesterday night. I was home, chilling, when I saw my “collection” of 20 Birchbox boxes hanging out on my desk. 20 empty boxes of nothing, that I keep re-aligning them every now and then.

Because the boxes are pretty and colorful, I never got rid of them. I convinced by inner-artist-self that “one day” I would have an idea of what the hell to do with them. And potentially that hypothetic thing could be so cool that it could end up in the SFMoma next to that “garbage-looking art” on the 4th floor (no offense, I think it is art)..

Jokes aside, it hit me that it would not hurt to declutter on a consistent basis and have my home a serene environment with only things that really matter and nourish me.


Minimalism is all about taking a step back once in a while and focus on the essentials. Some people definitely took that to some other levels, and moved to some tiny-houses, took drastic measures, but that’s the extreme side of the spectrum.

My conclusion: I invite you to check out the minimalism principles, and ask yourself if you could benefit from the framework.

🔗🔗 Links:

Have a great, cool, minimalist weekend! 😎 Cooly Yours 😎

