image by Karly Jones via Upsplash

Appreciating Arti

1 min readJul 6, 2020

a haiku poem for floral week

Bees buzz in my flattop

Arti heart purple thistle

No tutorial

Michele the Trainer, 2020

Special thanks to author Tapan Avasthi who inspired this floral poetry prompt for July 2020*

*Wanna join the floral week prompt fun?

Guidelines by Tapan Avasthi and remember to credit his fine idea:

Participation Guidelines:

· Theme: “Flower”

· Any poetry form that lets you express your thoughts and emotions

· One poem daily in the first week of July

· Publish your work with any Medium publication

· Use hashtag #floral-week or #Floral Week, if you’re sharing it on any social media platform

· Share your work as a comment to this story

