
Banksy Anonymous

Free verse poetry on the world-renowned street artist

James G Brennan
Share The Love
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2020


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Some call it art, others graffiti,
Art it most certainly is.
Painstaking preparation
Involves stencil cutting before offering them up
To the artist’s selected destination
For spray paint to leave their mark.

Stealth in the night, or broad daylight!
No one it seems to catch out this street artist named Banksy,
Hailing from Bristol’s underground scene
A movement created by musicians and artists.

An international man of mystery,
With worldwide fame aloof is his game
So as not to be arrested,
After all graffiti everywhere is seen as illegal.

Is Banksy a man? Or is Banksy a woman?
A question posed by antagonistic lips.

Producing satirical dark humoured art
On bridges and walls throughout the world,
To find epigrams even, on gallery walls.
A political activist and film director, there are those
Who know just who this person is.

Anti-war slogans find company alongside
Apes, police and rats, always a stencil favourite.
Creating pieces on the West Bank wall
Nine in total took some balls.

Modern-day art, or vandalism glorified?
Donations and promotion to those oppressed
Highlighting plight around the world within his
Undeniable art, graffiti with an artbeat.

Thank you Martin Rushton and the STL team for giving my words a platform
here at Share the Love… Thank you all for reading and your precious time. J.



James G Brennan
Share The Love

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.