‘Share The Love’ Impromptu Prompt# 5

Conversation With A Frog


Suntonu Bhadra
Share The Love
Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2020


‘Sleeping, mate?’

Surrounded by the watery sprinkles,
I rest in utter peace-
calming my nerve for my next mating
with my amphibian spirit and senses.
Are you asking whether we mate with protection?
Like having a condom,
you are funny, mate.
No worries, we will be vanished soon, like the others
your progression gulped in prosper.
No disgusting croaking sound,
no toads will hide from the rainy splash bath or
will sing in the greenery, disturbing your eardrums.

Let me rest for a little,
maybe for a little bit more time to clasp my calming spirit,
to catch a bit of sunlight ray onto my skin
and to catch my breath, again
before I disappear inside a serpent’s belly
or take my final resting place.

Lyrics by Suntonu Bhadra

The following YouTube content contains some of the frog sounds (croak or ribbit).

