

A tanka response to an acrostic poem #3 “my favourite instrument”

James G Brennan
Share The Love
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Gary Sandoz on Unsplash

Drumming was my life

Ripping through the rocking beats

Uniting players

Mastering the beat with heart

Syncopation in our art.

I was a passionate drummer in bands for 15 years during the ’80s and 90's
and lucky enough to be blessed with natural talent (I did not have to count.) The feel came very easy to me.

I moved to London in ’97 to get involved with serious bands whose intentions were to make a living from playing, recording and touring… It’s not for everyone.

Instead, I ended up as a touring drum and percussion technician. I do miss playing and to be honest, my raging tinnitus says no!

This response is to Bhavna Narula’s Acrostic poem challenge “My Favourite Instrument” Read Bhavna’s enthralling piece here…

If you would like to try one about my drum tech work, try this one written in the style of the Golden Shovel, created by Terrance Hayes.

First, find your favourite poet, who’s poem you’d like to share and take one of your favourite lines or take more if you dare! It may unlock your creative side, with a poem that will amaze.” — Martin Rushton.

This challenge was set by Martin Rushton back in August ’20.

Yes, that’s me in the pic all “dressed to the nine’s” No, it’s not me real hair. Tattoo’s are… The singer made me do it! Well, she bought the gear.

Here’s Martin Rushton’s original “Golden Shovel” challenge…

Thank you as always Martin Rushton and the Share the Love team for giving my words a platform. 🙏 Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J. 🙏



James G Brennan
Share The Love

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.