Free spirits…

Clumsy pawss
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Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2020
Ahead of the herd but also away from the herd PC: Mahir Uysal

With everything said and done

We still do whatever is fun

Caring less about the world

To make our own ground



Fighting the fights which are not worthwhile

Caring about things which they think are juvenile

The world looks at us like a lost cause with no effect

like an abandoned clause in an abolished act



We fit into the group of misfits

Sounds cliche but, don’t care one bit

Limelight makes me think of tangy light

That is how messed up I am in my head



Our right and wrong is different from the books we read

making sure that we are wrong even when we bleed

The most courageous thing might just be to leave

Hoping to not be judged, which I know is just naive…..



Clumsy pawss
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We are a couple of unstructured writers, who enjoy their rhythm of writing. We put up content in all heights and weights expressing what we feel.