Her Love at First Sight
A poem dedicated to all beautiful mothers out there
For what she smiles?
And for whom?
I never knew where
She hides her gloom.
Her pain resides
Behind a curtain of smiles —
Her refuge through
All of her trials.
Her love is the actuality
Of love at first sight.
In my monochromatic life,
She exists as a light —
A pure white light that
Fills my world with true color,
While dispersing into a spectrum,
What an act of valor!
A beautiful young soul she is,
Whose delights she attempts to murder.
For when her child is in pain,
She wholly and truly suffers.
But all at once she rejoices
As if a bud has burst into petals,
When her child in whom her life resides
Wins life’s gold medals.
The existence of His perfect love for us,
I believe in it; it’s reflected through my mom.
All the vales, all the oceans I’ve been to. I found
Nothing more profound than your love, my dear mom.
Wrote this piece when I was 15 for my mum.