Share The Love Prompt Challenge

Impromptu Prompt 3

Join the Share The Love Secret Service :)

Martin Rushton
Share The Love
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2020


Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay

Government spies, espionage, James Bond, Austin Powers and Johnny English. There are spies everywhere and we never see them in reality.

I have a thing about looking for strange news and this one certainly caught my attention. A real-life spy pigeon! If this bird is sentenced what will happen? Will it have its wings clipped or worse still, a death sentence in a pigeon pie?

Your Mission should you choose to accept it….

Write a poem and or fictional piece about the secret world of spies. The best will have pride of place in Issue 9 of Share The Love due out on 23 July.

This message will self destruct if you don’t give it 50 claps :)

The article…



Martin Rushton
Share The Love

The Rude Poet. A father, stepfather. I'm like a jelly bean, firm hard exterior but soft on the inside. Published on Amazon