A poem

It’s Going To Hurt

For all the relationships you walked away from while still being in love.

Aditi Shahani
Share The Love


Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

It’s going to hurt
when you let go of
things not meant for you,
things you made memories

It’s going to hurt
to not see them anymore.
To not have them around you.
To have a space

It’s going to hurt
Till the remembrance lasts.
You loved
You have loved
You did.

It’s gonna hurt.
But that doesn’t
mean that the door
you closed
wasn’t supposed to be

It’s gonna hurt.
But let that door
stay closed,
It’s not for you to
walk through it again.

You can love.
You did.
The things behind that door
Let them go now.

They don’t exist in your life
It’s going to hurt.
Let it.
As much as it needs to
Let it hurt.

Only what is allowed to
hurt can heal.

Sit there as long as
you need to,
But when you get up,
Get up to walk forwards only.

Forwards to find the
doors which are yours now.
Yours to open
& yours to walk through.
It’s time to let your doors change.
It’s okay. Let your doors change.



Aditi Shahani
Share The Love

I don’t want to give “How To’s”. We all need to find our own “How To’s”. All I want is to tell you how I found mine.