Just Be There

When your very presence is the greatest gift of all.

Bernie’s Poetry
Share The Love
2 min readDec 24, 2020


Enjoy the Little Things in Life…Be Present…Just Be There

When I was young
either my mother or father were there
every morning,
there every afternoon I returned from school,
without much words or aplomb.
Just there.
Every day.
I knew I was loved,
I felt I was loved,
I still feel that love.

Now with my own children
I or my husband are there every morning,
There every afternoon they return from school.
Just there.
Every day.
Just be there.
Not just be there
Not just be there
Not just be there
Simply just…

Be there.

Such presence is the greatest gift,
holds the greatest knowing.
They know they are loved.
They feel they are loved.
They just know.
It’s the greatest gift.
Simply just…
Be there.

Be present.

© Bernie McCullough 23 Dec 2020

I know it’s not possible for every family’s mother or father to be there fully each morning, or each day after school…perhaps there is a childminder involved, or a caring Nana or Grandad, but whatever the situation, ‘being there’ as much as you possibly can be for your children is just such a gift.

In my own childhood, every day I came home from school, either my mother or father was there... there was always someone in the house to give a warm welcome. I am now in the lucky position where I work for myself, from my home…and to be able to give that same gift back to my own children now means so much to me. I see their happy faces, feel their warm hugs, catch their eye as they look around to see where I am….often times, no words are necessary at all.

This Christmas, whether near or far, the gift of our presence is by far the most important thing we can give, and enjoy. A gift to be cherished throughout our lifetime and passed on to the generations coming after us.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Image: Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash



Bernie’s Poetry
Share The Love

Always See the Silver Lining. Poet, Writer, Mum of 2, Business Woman, Lover of Words, Positivity and the Natural World.