Lets Party!

A party to end all parties

Martin Rushton
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Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

The saga of Froganstinople continues…

The king, he threw a party,
The likes you've never seen.
He invited every single frog,
Including his wife the Queen.

Bands on stage and jesters too,
There were frogs just everywhere.
To any human passing by,
would make them stop and stare.

Free food for every single frog,
Enough drink to sink a ship.
The only rule that was applied,
Was every frog must dress hip.

Across the land they celebrate,
The up and comping marriage.
And in the courtyard for all to see,
The gold and silver carriage.

I witnessed this with my own eyes,
The drunken mess and stench.
Inebriated little green frogs,
slouching on every bench.

The curse would soon be over,
Thought everyone with glee.
And all because of Prince Larry,
Getting on one knee.



Martin Rushton
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The Rude Poet. A father, stepfather. I'm like a jelly bean, firm hard exterior but soft on the inside. Published on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B8Y4PLK