Never-Ending Dreams Collide

A Poem for Martin Rushton’s Never-Ending Poem Challenge, Share the Love

Connie Song
Share The Love
2 min readJul 19, 2020


Painting, Railway, by artist Edourd Manet, 1873, on Public Domain

My never-ending dreams collide,
like two lost doves up in the sky,
that sweep into clouds
to hide in shade.

My dreams, at times, might just reel,
like some enormous Wonder Wheel,
for the thrill of the ride
on a hot summer’s day.

My dreams are like candy,
fallen through grate,
drowning in quicksand,
beyond heaven’s gate.

My dreams of a duchess,
meeting the Queen,
might just have to wait.

I would dream like a cat,
One with nine lives.
I would dream I was ink,
These words I’d inscribe.

But dreams are something we can’t live without.
They fill life with meaning and bring rain to drought.
And if life is a song with a lasting refrain,
This prompted poem is never ending, like a link in a chain.

© Connie Song 2020

This is all part of Martin Rushton ‘s Never Ending Poem Prompt from Share the Love Publication.

I am going to perpetuate the Prompt given to me from Medium writer, Pamela Simmonds.

The Prompt is: Dreams.

You can write a short poem or haiku, based on the Prompt: Dreams. Just mention and tag Martin Rushton’s Never Ending Poem. You can publish with any publication you like, but, if you’re not already familiar with Share the Love Publication, you can ask to be added as a writer, then submit your draft to Share the Love for publication! And you can tag me, as well. I forward this prompt to the following, if they are interested : @ Paul McCartney, @ Elton John, @ Bernie Taupin, @ Rod Steward, @ Andrew Lloyd Webber, @ Kelly Clarkson, @ John Legend, @ Jim Latham, @ Tina L. Smith, @ Galit Birk, PhD, @ Aimée Gramblin. And anyone else who wants to write Dreams but wasn’t tagged. You’re in good company, guys. #stl challenge

Here’s a link to Pamela Simmonds’ wonderful poem, STL

Sweet Dreams & Peace to all…



Connie Song
Share The Love

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