Poetry X-Files 3

A creative sharing poem challenge

Martin Rushton
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Image by Felix Wolf from Pixabay

Whilst out on my travels,
Just wandering around.
I stumbled on a poetic form,
Seems fun and is quite sound.

It’s called the Golden Shovel,
Created by Terrance Hayes.
It may unlock your creative side,
with a poem that will amaze.

The Rules…
First, find your favourite poet,
Who’s poem you’d like to share.
And take one of your favourite lines,
or take more if you dare!

Now here is the tricky part,
So some time you’ll have to spend.
Make sure that as you write,
each word is at the end.

So once you got your masterpiece,
and you're ready to tag and publish.
Add a link to the original,
So their poem continues to flourish.

Simply put, find your favourite poet on medium. Then pick one of the poems that does it for you. Take a line or more from that poem, which will be used to create yours.

If you are daring, then choose a line from above!

Each word in that line has to appear at the end of each line of your poem in order. If the chosen line has 5 words, then your poem should be 5 lines long and so on.

Once done add a link to that original poem and tag the author. And to this one too.



Martin Rushton
Share The Love

The Rude Poet. A father, stepfather. I'm like a jelly bean, firm hard exterior but soft on the inside. Published on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B8Y4PLK