Slithering Away

A poem about Alzheimer's

Arvindh Shyam
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1 min readJul 5, 2020


Photo by Veit Hammer on Unsplash

I look deep into your dark black eyes
Hoping you see me and jump in joy
But I see only a white blank stare
As if a long slimy slithering snake
Let loose in your precious brain
Has eaten away all your memories
And is poisoning whatever is left
Every time you ask me who I am
I say all we have been through
And you only smile with your blank eyes
Helpless, I do not what else to do
But to look away and hide my tears
And soothe my soul that bleeds…



Arvindh Shyam
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~ Expressing through Poetry and Stories ~ Dad & Husband ~ Poem & Short Story Writer ~ Ponderer & Dreamer