Submission Guidelines

Last updated 13 August 2020

Martin Rushton
Share The Love


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Created on 14 June 2020
Last Edit 13 August 2020

So you want to be a writer and submit to ‘Share The Love’? That’s cool, we would love to have you on board. Before you do though, read through these guidelines to make sure that we are suited to each other.

What we accept

Our aim is to share the love of poetry and fiction. All kinds of poetry are accepted as long as they meet the guidelines and we also accept flash fiction, micro fiction, and short stories.

We do not accept non-fiction stories. If you have written a piece about something in the news, a political view or dare I say it a How-To article, I’m very sorry that isn’t for us. Unless of course, it’s in a poem form.

How to submit

As you are reading this you may have a poem that you want to submit to us. Here are some basic rules that will help you get your story accepted.

Please be aware, our editors are all volunteers and have families and full-time jobs. It can take up to three days for your piece to be checked however, we will try our best to check as soon as possible.

  1. Ensure that the story falls into the categories listed above in ‘What we accept’. If it’s…



Martin Rushton
Share The Love

The Rude Poet. A father, stepfather. I'm like a jelly bean, firm hard exterior but soft on the inside. Published on Amazon