That Unwritten Poem

a poem based on never ending prompt sea

Priyanka Srivastava
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Published in
1 min readJul 22, 2020


Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

he gazed in the sea of her eyes
and found pieces of memories lost.

he saw those colours which she willingly carried,
he saw those stars which she kept inside.

and somehow he found a place for his dreams,
he loved her quietly without words
she was a poem which he never wrote.

Thanks to Suntonu Bhadra for the prompt Sea for Never Ending Poetry Challenge, you can read his poem here,

not tagging anyone but leaving a prompt here if you write on it do tag me, my prompt is Muse.



Priyanka Srivastava
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Editor of Literary Impulse, Writer when I am free, Artist when my words are silent and reader when there are books which I love to read.