The Never-Ending Poem

Give up on chain mail and join the never-ending poem

Martin Rushton
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Have you ever had a message,
That wishes you good health.
but you got to send to ten people,
to get the imaginary wealth.

There are a few that send it on,
And think they’ll have a win.
The rest ignore the contents,
And throw it in the bin.

This poem may not bring you luck,
And definitely not rich.
It’ll never give you special powers,
and you won't end up a witch.

This is a little different,
In case you haven’t noticed.
It may not even be the worst,
It’s certainly not the greatest.

Yes, this is a chain poem,
And I’ve tagged ten special people.
That are tempted by a challenge,
And write something medieval.

So as you get the parchment ready,
and ink up your feathery quills.
Think of another ten poets,
That really have the skills.



Martin Rushton
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The Rude Poet. A father, stepfather. I'm like a jelly bean, firm hard exterior but soft on the inside. Published on Amazon