Writing is…..

The paradox of the writing experience explored

Words by Egypt
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Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Writing is my inner angst given a voice to rebel
Writing is a soothing balm that tempers my voice
Writing is a way to purify my turbid thoughts
Writing is a way to unleash my inner demons

Writing is an outlet for my creativity to run wild
Writing is a way to reign in my wild creative mind
Writing is a sacred act of worship on paper
Writing is me crafting blasphemy without a care

Writing is my healing salve when other remedies cease to work
Writing is my disease glorified and put out for all to see
Writing is my permission to dismantle the rules of society
Writing is my way of formulating rules to guide my life

Writing is my painful memories laid to rest
Writing is me re-living my hurts with a delightful rawness
Writing is a way to make sense of my past
Writing is a way to discard my past without a consideration

Writing is my way of gaining control of worries in a safe manner
Writing is my acknowledgment of having little control of what may…



Words by Egypt
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Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts. https://ko-fi.com/wordsbyegypt