Let your candidates know that cycling matters: 2018 Advocacy Toolkit

This election, we encourage you to take a few moments and let candidates in your area know that living in a safe, healthy and bicycle-friendly community matters to you. You can invite your candidates on a bike ride, ask a question at an All-Candidates Meeting or voice your support for cycling with an email or newspaper op-ed.

No matter how you choose to show your support for cycling, Share the Road is here to help. Check our our 2018 Advocacy Toolkit for tips, key messages, polling data and templates that will help you with your outreach.

Hundreds of copies have already been downloaded — click here to get your copy of the Advocacy Toolkit today.

The updated toolkit was launched at the 10th Annual Ontario Bike Summit as part of an Advocacy College workshop. During the workshop, advocates discussed strategies for effective engagement, including 8 Tips for Election Advocacy:

We also heard from advocates who had experience coordinating bike rides with decision makers as part of our 2016 #ridetheriding initiative. The key is to plan a short and enjoyable route that highlights community assets.

Advocates and MPPs across Ontario participate in #ridetheriding in 2016

There’s still two weeks left until Election Day (June 7th, 2018). Download the toolkit today and show your support for cycling.

