We’re headed to the AMO Conference (and so are your municipal leaders)

by Jamie Stuckless, Executive Director, Share the Road Cycling Coalition

AMO 2018 bike tour participants

This August, Share the Road staff are headed to Ottawa to participate once again in the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference. This is an annual gathering of almost 2,000 municipal councillors, Mayors, Members of Provincial Parliament, senior municipal staff and more. It is an important opportunity to connect with decision makers across Ontario and we’ll be there to ensure that cycling is part of the conversation!

One key way that we will be highlighting cycling for conference delegates is with our tour of Ottawa’s growing network of cycling infrastructure on Sunday, August 18th. This tour is free for AMO delegates, and we provide the bikes and helmets. It’s our version of a “study tour” and an incredible no-cost opportunity for your elected officials to experience cycling on some of Ontario’s most innovative cycling infrastructure.

We believe it’s important to help get elected official on bikes, and what better place to do that in Ontario than in our first Gold Bicycle Friendly Community! You can help ensure that your municipal leaders are part of this tour and bring provincial best practices and inspiration to your community.

AMO 2018 delegates hear about cycling infrastructure along Main Street in Ottawa

Share the Road has already reached out directly to the Mayors of every Bicycle Friendly Community as well as each community that received funding from Ontario’s Municipal Commuter Cycling Program (OMCC) encouraging them and their council colleagues to participate in this tour.

You can follow up with your Mayor and councillor and encourage them to book one of the 18 available tour spaces. Sending a quick note with this registration link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/amo-bike-tour-2019-tickets-64386683303

(note: The City of Toronto is not a member of AMO, so Toronto officials will not be attending the conference).

Bike tour participants will hear directly from Ottawa staff and leadership about how they are building an increasingly connected network of cycling infrastructure. Participants will experience what its like to ride on this infrastructure first hand, cycling along separated bike lanes on Main St, O’Connor St and Laurier Ave, on the Somerset St advisory bike lanes, several off road pathways and over 3 active transportation bridges.

This tour will show off what is possible right here in Ontario.

We’re excited that the tour will include Ottawa’s recently completed Flora Footbridge, which was built with funding from all 3 levels of government including provincial funds from the OMCC Program.

Share the Road joined municipal, provincial and federal representatives for the Flora Footbridge groundbreaking ceremony in 2017.

In addition to hosting this bike tour, Share the Road will have a booth in the Exhibitors Hall to connect with conference delegates about our provincial cycling advocacy priorities, our #BikesCanDoThat campaign and about the Bicycle Friendly Communities Program.

It’s going to be an engaging couple of days (August 18th to 21st) and its just one of the ways that Share the Road is working to build a more bicycle-friendly Ontario.

The City of Ottawa was the first municipality in Ontario to be designated as a Gold Bicycle Friendly Community.

