
Simply explained

Adrian Eaton
Share The Wealth


Neoliberalism isn’t a word to describe the incompetent Left in the U.S., as some people tend to think. It’s a word used to describe a much more sinister force in politics that’s penetrated both parties.

Neoliberalism is the belief that everything in our lives should be framed as a market interaction. It’s the ubiquitous ideology suggesting profitability is more important than anything else, based on the flawed assumption that profitability is the ultimate marker of social value. In other words: neoliberalism prioritizes profits above all else. It rationalizes wealth inequality, environmental destruction, and severed social bonds.

We can (and will) talk about neoliberalism for days, but to get a quick understanding we can boil it down to 3 key pieces:

1. Government-enforced economic liberalism

Classical liberalism calls for a laissez faire government, while neoliberalism calls for a hands-on government to create favorable conditions for capitalism.

This means that Western countries must impose pro-Capitalist governments all over the world.

2. “Value” is narrowly defined as economic productivity.

