We’re Doing It Wrong

Adrian Eaton
Share The Wealth
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


It’s ridiculous to think the best way for a government to help people is through a system where we have:

Governments helping Corporations to help People.

instead of a system as simple as:

Governments helping People.

It seems so obvious that the best way for a government to help people is… to help people. Raise the minimum wage. Waive student debt interest and criminalize usury. Eliminate student debt altogether because educated citizens are good for society. Enforce clean air, water, and food regulations.

In fact, the only way a government can guarantee it’s helping its people is to help its people directly.

If a government focuses on helping corporations, and corporations are legally obligated to prioritize profits over everything else, then we’re left with government-enriched corporations and unhelped people.

Does that sound familiar?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Even when modern capitalism works as it’s supposed to, we have to ask: who are the people benefitting when the “economy” does well? Typically, the already-wealthy. Banks, investment firms, insurance providers, and the politicians they’re lobbying. Neoliberalism // neoliberal capitalism is an economic model created by the rich, for the rich. The vast majority of people in this system don’t benefit…

