Introducing My Publication — Share Your Creativity

Do you wish you were creative?


Image designed by Author on Canva.

I have a secret to share with you!

You Are Creative!

Yes, YOU.

The one that is reading this article!

I know you might not think you are, but you are.

How you do your hair is creative.

How you cook your meals is creative.

How you make your bed is creative.

How you organize your house is creative.

How you decorate your house is creative.


So, by default, we are ALL creative!

I am jumping off the deep end and am starting a new publication! I want to inspire you to be creative, and I want people to share how they are creative in their lives.

Did you make an amazing meal?

Sew a beautiful quilt?

Maybe you painted a rock?

Or danced a funky jig!



Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
Share Your Creativity

I seek new experiences and share my life as an artist, traveler, foodie, gardener, and serious steward of our beloved planet. Life is short, let's get busy!