Pointillism — July Challenge

July art response to Jillian’s challenge from Share Your Creativity.

Celeste Wilson
Share Your Creativity


Art and Image by the author Celeste Wilson

Dot for Dot

Earlier this month Jillian posted an art challenge using the pointillism technique. I’ve seen it in art history books, and I always marveled at how artists could juxtapose different colored dots to create an entire picture.

In our modern world I guess you could say that they created the image with pixels of color. The closer the dots of paint were, the more saturated the color and the depth of the image became.

When I saw Jillian’s gorgeous sand dollar, I thought I could at least try.

It was a ton of fun to do. I didn’t produce a masterpiece, but I tried it.

Nothing ventured nothing gained right?


George Seurat and Paul Signac were impressionist artists but decided to try something a little different. They developed this art form in 1886.



Celeste Wilson
Share Your Creativity

Owner - A Novel Book Review Publication, Co-editor - Share Your Creativity Publication. Author - YA Fantasy Fiction. My You Tube Channel - A Crafter's Story